Hey! I'm Joris,


based in Breda.




Easy tiger, the projects are below, but it would make sense to  know something about me first, right? So please let me introduce myself. No worries, I will try to keep it short!

My name is Joris, and I'm based in Breda. I live there together with my girlfriend and cat Bonnie. I bet Bonnie is playing around here somewhere...

Apart from Bonnie, another passion is my collection. With a collection of over 350+ boardgames I'm always up for a play!

Originating from that hobby, I think it is important to bring engagement, storytelling, playfulness and, above all, value to the user.

In 2019 I graduated from my Masters 'Design for Interaction' at Delft University, for which I, amongst other things, did an internship in Hong Kong as a toy designer.
After graduating, I started as a UX designer where I further developed my passion for gamification, prototyping, concept development and project management.

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Here is a small selection of projects I’ve worked on. Sorry, I take the confidentially serious, so the projects are password protected and some are not available online. I could show more in person. No worries, just contact me!
User Flow
Heuristic Analysis

Hey Reader Website

Website optimisation and redesign for Hey Reader. Improving the checkout process and product information.
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Project Management
Concept Development

Bricks World App

Create the digital activation foundation for a proven successful loyalty campaign. Adaptable to different clients, brand identities, and campaign variations. Become the best supermarket manager of your own Bricks store!
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Design Thinking

Operation Planet

Create a well-founded and strategic new digital concept from initial idea up to a working and presentable demo. Use gamification to teach children about the wonders of the universe, the human body and more.Go on an expedition with immersive and interactive storytelling! Explore every level of existence from the universe to the human body and more, all in AR.
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Design Thinking
Usability Testing

Body Builders

A concept from my Master's thesis in which children learn about nutrients in an intertwined combination between digital and tangible play.
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Reach Out


Want to know more about a project? See more of my work? Talk possibilities? Or anything else? 
I'm happy to hear from you!

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